Easy Fragrance Oil Diffuser - Somethin Special Shop

Easy Fragrance Oil Diffuser

Sue Faunt2 comments
I keep a few of these clips around the house to keep my chip bags closed and prevent them from getting stale. I also found a nifty way to use them to diffuse my fragrance oils at home and in my car.

Just drizzle a few drops of oil, you can use our perfume oils, on the clothespin and clip it on your vent. Simple. And it works great! You can also clip a few on your home vents and it doesn’t matter if it’s a floor, ceiling or wall vent, it will work anywhere. Plus it’s plastic-free and planet friendly.

I bought a big bag of clothespins from Amazon and clip these all over. They also double as a plastic-free chip bag clip. Give it a try!



Hi Cary, Yes, you can use the perfume oil in a warmer! Thanks, Sue
What a great idea and I even have clothespins! Question: Can the perfume oil be used in a warmer, instead of an essential oil?

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